Leighton O Connor Travel and Nautical Photographer Leighton O Connor Travel and Nautical Photographer
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If you refer Casual Catering to a friend and they place an order online, we will take $10 off of your next catering order.

Casual Catering opened in 1993 and has been serving great food ever since. Casual Catering is located at Super Sub Shop in downtown Beverly. The Super Sub Shop has been family owned and operated since 1970.

Whether you are having a small event at your home, a large event at a hall or your office, we can accommodate all your needs. We use fresh homemade tomato sauces and quality fruits and vegetables. We have fresh bread and delicious Italian pastas delivered everyday to our store. Please feel free to contact us with any special requests for your event. We offer free delivery in Beverly Monday thru Saturday.
New Products For February

Chafing Racks

medium cheese tortellini salad

small cheese tortellini salad
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0 items
01.Paper Set-ups
02.Party Platter
03.Finger Sandwiches
04.Party Platter & Salads
05.Coke Products-20 oz.
06.Cheese Steak large
07.Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti-Large
08.Tray of Wraps-Large
09.Homemade Hand-Crafted cookies from "The Cookie Jar"
10.Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti-Small
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large tomato brushcetta
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Leighton O Connor Travel and Nautical Photographer

Super Sub Beverly, MA

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